
Wye Oak "Glory" (Official Music Video)

The Baltimore duo Wye Oak released their synth-dominated new album Shriek a few days ago, and now they’ve made a video for the grandly fidgety single “Glory.” It’s a weird one. Michael Patrick O’Leary and Ashley North Compton directed the video, which is full of oblique imagery: Blank-faced young blonde women, ice cream cones, cigarettes, flowerpots, gold beads, tricky editing. Here’s what Compton has to say about it: “The video explores an internal and external power struggle and a fear of loss of control — through the lens of youth, anxiety, ease, and tension. The narrative follows youth-oriented themes, colors, styles and struggles with jarring and uncomfortable characters and movements. The editing and format allow for notions and items to be broken and reformed, given and taken back. Feelings of impulsivity and unsettledness are evoked.” I’m still not really sure what it’s about, but you can watch it below.

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