Uniform is a noise band consisting of Brooklyn neighbors Ben
Greenberg (The Men, Hubble, Pygmy Shrews) and Michael Berdan (York
Factory Complaint, Drunkdriver, Believer/Law). As Noisey
attests, the duo’s video for “Indifference” seems anything but
indifferent. Directed by Micki Pellerano and shot by Jacqueline Castel,
it delivers social and political commentary in the form of still black
and white images with clips of Uniform performing. The video views like a
photomontage beginning with an ideal categorization of love, mother,
father, me, god, country, enemy, and happiness. Then as the song
progresses, the categories begin to mix, shedding light on reality. The
images of country show an electric chair, the image of mother moves to
the enemy category, and so on.
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