Extreme’s video for the 1990 if-you-really-loved-me-we’d-fuck power ballad “More Than Words”
is one of those absolutely ineffable early-’90s pop culture artifacts.
If you were the right age at the time (between nine and 14, I’d say),
you probably know every second of that video, even if you don’t quite
realize that you do. And last night on The Tonight Show, Jimmy
Fallon and guest Jack Black did an amazingly perfect shot-for-shot
remake of the thing, right down to the superfluous bassist and drummer
holding up lighters in that one shot. Black played Gary Cherone, while
Fallon played Nuno Bettencourt, and both of them had some seriously
on-point wig games. Jack Black’s falsetto is an impressive thing to
witness, and he really brought out the song’s underlying creepiness just
by virtue of being Jack Black. This is some top-shelf
viral-video-making here, and you can watch.
We Don't Really Know What the Dodo Looked Like
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