Eddie Murphy was once the world’s biggest movie star, but that was a
long time ago. These days, he doesn’t even crank out bad cartoonish
comedies the way he once did; the last one, A Thousand Words, came out in 2012. And his appearance on the SNL 40
special was the oddest thing that happened during that whole marathon,
mostly because he didn’t bother to prepare anything funny. But Murphy
has plenty of time lately for one thing: Making reggae! Apparently, we
all missed the fact that he teamed up with Snoop Lion for a song called “Red Light”
in 2013. And he’s also teaming up with Beenie Man for a new single
sometime soon. On top of all that, he now has an extremely low-budget
video for a new track called “Oh Jah Jah,” on which he sings about
police brutality in a fake Jamaican accent. It’s a perfectly passable,
if unremarkable, reggae song. And the strangest thing about it is how sincere
it is. If you didn’t know that you were watching one of his
generation’s finest comedy minds, you might think this was your friend’s
uncle fucking around in his garage on a Sunday. Watch the “Oh Jah Jah”
We Don't Really Know What the Dodo Looked Like
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