
Youth Lagoon – “Raspberry Cane” (Official Music Video)

“Raspberry Cane” was the cathartic peak on the back half of Youth Lagoon’s Wondrous Bughouse, and now animator Stephen McNally has provided an appropriately wondrous video. Born from the same homemade intimacy that embodies YG mastermind Trevor Powers’s music, McNally’s video depicts awestruck people observing massive, beautiful, and terrifying creatures. The situation brings to mind such disparate influences — from the nature-inspired beasts in Fumito Ueda’s Shadow Of The Colossus to the magic clashed hidden within harsh reality that Jeff Lemire mastered in his Essex County trilogy. The above image even brings to mind the titular horrors of the popular comic Attack On Titan. The greatness of the video though is the fact that McNally can channel all this into a clip that perfectly matches the sound of Youth Lagoon, which can be as fragile and weary as people found here while as magical and towering as the giant.

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