Last night’s episode of Game Of Thrones ended with Sigur Rós’s version of “The Rains Of Castamere,” a song that tends to play on the show when some serious shit
is either about to go down or just did go down. If you ever find
yourself in Westeros and the opening strains of “The Rains Of Castmere”
ring out, run. But the song wasn’t Sigur Rós’s only
contribution to the show last night. They also had a quick cameo as
wedding musicians, singing for evil whelp King Joffrey. And though Sigur
Rós are generally regarded as critics’ favorites, they do not get so
much love from Joffrey (though they do get off lightly compared to
plenty of others who incurred Joffrey’s displeasure).
Photographers in Focus: Safe Light
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