2009′s Outside Love, the last album from Stephen McBean’s
Black Mountain side project Pink Mountaintops, was one of the best and
most slept-on rock records in recent memory, and you owe it to yourself
to give it a listen on Spotify or whatever. The band recently announced
plans to release Get Back, their long-overdue follow-up, and while lead single “North Hollywood Microwaves” was an endearingly batshit piece of music, it didn’t exactly raise hopes that they’d equal Outside Love
anytime soon. So it’s heartening that “Ambulance City,” the second song
the band has shared, is a hearty and straightforward rocker, even if
the video is all vaguely unsettling Harmoney Korine-esque lo-fi
ookiness, with McBean wearing a nurse’s uniform and shit. Olivia Jaffe directed the video.
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