
Star Wars Uncut "The Escape"

I'm thrilled to release "The Escape," a teaser from the finished Star Wars Uncut: A New Hope movie.

Hundreds of 15 second scenes were put back together in a finished film thanks to the work of several people:

Jamie Wilkinson ( jamiedubs.com ), manager of video engineering, Bryan Pugh ( pughtube.com ), sound mixing/editing master, and Aaron Valdez ( aaronvaldez.com ), video editor and general creative boon for the Uncut Team.

We'll be screening the entire Star Wars Uncut: A New Hope in Copenhagen at CPH:PIX ( bit.ly/aCvyeU ) Festival April 19 and have several screenings in NYC in the works.

Check back for the completely redesigned StarWarsUncut.com coming soon!

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