Fard is an animated short directed by Luis Bricenco and David Alapont. It’s in French with no subtitles, but the plot is visual. The action really gets going about four minutes in. The style and effects make it quite memorable.
From directors Luis Bricenco and David Alapont, Fard is a new animated short blessed with a classic sense of style. With its muted color palette and clean lines, Fard manages to evoke a sort of classic neo-futurism, a vision of the future that wouldn't have seemed out of place in Fritz Lang's day but doesn't seem dated today, either.
The film has had a very strong festival run already and is now available to view online in its entirety. No subtitles, unfortunately, but the dialogue is minimal and the style and feel of the thing shines through so clearly that it's worth a viewing regardless. Check it below.
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