Christiaan Van Vuuren created a viral video two months about about his experiences in quarantine for drug-resistant tuberculosis. He’s still there, and has had plenty of time to hone his video editing skills:
It has now been 102 long days that Ive been here in the hospital all up, isolated with a case of Multi-Drug Resistant TB.... Yep... Still going... Is it normal if you want to eat your own leg?
Thanks for watching my videos so far, you are all fully sick, but like, sick in the way that a good night out can be sick.
For this most recent gangsta rap music video, I really wanted to do something that was out of control - so I enlisted the help of my brother. He is only able to come in for short visits here and there, for which he has to get masked up and wear protective gloves, but it was enough for us to be able to get fully sick and that with his digital handycam (hence the increase in video quality from my previous fully sick projects).
In many countries of the world, people with Multi-Drug Resistant TB would be lucky to even receive medical attention whatsoever, so I fully stoked to be receiving the mad medical care that I am getting here in Australia. Even above and beyond this epic level of care, I am lucky in the sense that I have had access to some totally rad entertainment, which has kept me sane over the last 102 days (this level of sanity is open for debate).
This new Youtube video is a Tribute to some of the DVDs that Ive watched to kill my time here in quarantine, and to make it a bit Hollywood my brother and I have used ANY AND EVERY fully sick special effect that we knew was in existence, to make this a truely epic RAPsody...
FAQ: (Fully Awesome Questions) - The song was written, recorded and mixed in the hospital on a Macbook Pro using Logic Express - All filming was done on a regular digital handycam in the hospital during brief visits to my room - For all of the special effects, my brother and I improvised by hanging a green sheet on the wall in my hospital room - All editing and finishing was done on a Macbook Pro using Final Cut
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