Future Shorts is proud to present Matt Watkins' touching short animation inspired by Blind Willie Johnson, the first in a series of animations to launch the Music Matters campaign. Stay tuned to Music Matters on Facebook and Twitter @whymusicmatters.
Join Future Shorts for the very special Music Matters Launch Event at Cargo, London - 24th March. Amazing shorts, live music, live art and very special guests. Click here for all the details: http://bit.ly/bKslOs
Blind Willie Johnson (January 22, 1897 - September 18, 1945) was an American singer and guitarist whose music straddled the border between blues and spirituals. While the lyrics of all of his songs were religious, his music drew from both sacred and blues traditions.
Among musicians, he is considered one of the greatest slide or bottleneck guitarists, as well as one of the most revered figures of depression-era gospel music. His music is distinguished by his powerful bass thumb-picking and gravelly false-bass voice, with occasional use of a tenor voice.
Matt Watkins' short animation was inspired by Blind Willie Johnson.
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